Monday, June 15, 2015

Why JURASSIC WORLD is a Modern Classic

I just watched Jurassic World and since there are already a ton of reviews on the internet, I would not go into plot details. I'm writing this primarily because this movie addresses one of my complaint from Godzilla and really any monster movie in recent times (except a few like Pacific Rim).

This film won my love because it SHOWED THE ACTION. As I said in my Godzilla review, I hated that movie because we had to look through smoke, clouds, fog, dust and all kinds of masonry for the monster. Even when the movie's best line ("LET THEM FIGHT") was said, we still weren't shown any of it. Also, for a movie about giant monsters, why the hell is it gritty ? Jurassic World on the other hand is brilliant in this regard. The entire climax is what we needed. DINOSAURS FIGHTING DINOSAURS. It wears it premise on its crown and barrels through the run time. Not caring to make any excuses. It knows what it wants and it delivered perfectly. It had a monster that was setup from the beginning. And it had its monsters from its previous films (Rex and Raptors) and it uses them. You have no idea how glad I felt when I saw where the climax was going. Instead of the hero shooting at a dinosaur, we got a brawl where Jurassic Park takes on a new monster. Needless to say, I was in love with the movie after its over. A note of advise to all blockbusters coming soon - LEARN TO SHOOT ACTION FROM THIS MOVIE. Thats the highest praise I can give a film. It knows what it wants and delivers it with a big smile on its face.

Highly Recommended.

PS. The first one was indeed legit :)