Monday, April 7, 2014

My 5 Favourite PS4 Games Till Date

So, its over 6 months since PlayStation 4's release and I thought I could safely pick at least 5 games for it that I loved. Even though this is not an extensive analysis of these games, i'll try to add a few  words to describe them. Also, they are not console exclusives. So bear that in mind.

5. Don't Starve

This game would have been higher on this list except for one of my pet peeves. Its perma-death. I applaud the makers to finally give a game where death has consequences. But I guess I'm too old to try again with renewed energy. Except that one bit, the entire game is perfect. The story, visuals, sound design, art work, level design and the game play are just pitch perfect. I loved it. Special mention goes to the death sequences. Its dark and charming at the same time. Well done team-Klei.

4. Mercenary Kings

Mercenary Kings hit me in the sweet nostalgic spot between Metal-slug and Contra. Granted I got it for free from PS Plus. But its a great game nonetheless. Except for a few convoluted menus, the game is perfect. Its paced greatly, has sweet music and awesome power ups. I have only been playing it for 2 days but I already played through it twice. And it has guns that sound like guns. Not the realistic bangs from many games with similar design. I loved that. It encouraged me to try every power up and extension just for sheer curiosity and it never failed to deliver.

3. Outlast

This is another game I got from PS Plus and I'm glad I found it. I generally suck at horror games because they always have weird puzzles that I cant figure out (Go to hell Silent Hill 3). But this game is sweet. It had all the right things at the right places. Its one of those rare cases when jump scares work. And its adrenaline-pumped romp from beginning to end. There is never a dull moment and the insane mode is awesome. Granted I did not beat the game in insane mode yet (you get only one life).But the atmosphere and sound design is superb and the asylum is scary. Thats a  great win in my book.

2. Resogun

I cannot completely explain why I loved this game so much. And I dont expect everyone to like it. Its fun. Its action packed. Its simple. Its beautiful. Its bright and colourful. It has good replay value. But its not for everyone. I loved it. If you have spare credit, give it a try.

Honourable Mentions


I have recently finished Strider and the game is pretty fun. Some old school elements and some some modern tropes bring out the best of this game.

Doki-Doki Universe

Another game that I cant completely explain why I loved. The game has personality. Thats all I can say. I was a bit skeptical going into this that it would be a bit too artsy. But the game is fun and relaxing as well as challenging. The game also made me smile a lot.

Finally, my No. 1 game to get on the PS4 till date is..

1. Infamous: Second Son

Lets face it. That next gen gaming system needs a game that can pull off beautiful textures and effects. And while Killzone; Shadowfall delivered the graphics, I'm not a big fan of the FPS genre. I think third person games can better show off the environment and character traits. Also, Second son has something that Shadowfall did not have: COLOURS. Its finally great to see colours being used for things other than explosions. While Killzone had various levels like Jungle, broken complexes, etc., Second son has a living, breathing city which is spectacular. The game plays well. Looks good. Music is great. Has a decent length. Gameplay is easy to get into. The only gripe I have is with the limited mission variety. In fact, I clearly remembered playing the same mission types in the first Infamous. Apart from that, the game is perfect. If they add more mission variety through DLC (even a horde mode is appreciated), the game will be this generation's console seller. This is the best game I played on the PS4 till date.

I hope there are more good things to come from the Playstation studios. Great job till now and Good Luck.

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